
WLRC Bulletin
October 2004


Association of Valuation Professionals
March 2021


Career Planning for Chartered Accounts and CA Inter Passed Students


Disclaimers in Valuation Reports
February 2021


Bio-Data- A Door Opener for Interview Opportunities


Management Accounts and Financial Accounts.


British columbia Chapter of ICAI
March 2021


Valuation as a career For CMA
November 2020


WLRC Bulletin
August 2007


Valuation : Professionals Insight
July 2018


27 FABLES of ESOP – Valuation of stock Option Case Studies
June 2008


Valuation of Unicorns and Aggregators


Ind AS Implementation
September 2018


ICMAI RVO – Draft Valuer Bill ( Chapter 3 to 6)
June 2021